
名称: 克里斯蒂安·玛丽·约翰逊

年龄: 25

家乡: Ellijay

高等学校: 吉尔默高中

主要: 小学教育

预计毕业时间: 2019年12月

你为什么选择澳门新葡京娱乐城网址? In the beginning of my college career, I didn't choose 道尔顿状态. I wanted to move away from home and chose another school. 在短短一年内欠了很多债之后, I then transferred to a technical school where I received my associate degree in Applied Science in Early Childhood Care and Education. I wanted to further my education to be a teacher in an elementary school. I heard that the education program at DSC was tough, but the best in the state. Ms. Carol Danahy和Dr. Sharon Hixon were wonderful in helping me get where I needed to be to get into the program, 我很享受每一刻! 我终于找到了归属.

What does it mean to you to be part of the 走鹃国家? Being a part of 走鹃国家 means having the support system to get you where you're going. I've met numerous professors that have encouraged us students to keep in touch as we advance through our college careers so that they can still be a resource to us. Being a part of the 走鹃国家 means that you are destined for greatness because you've got a lot of people rooting for you.

毕业后你打算做什么? 毕业后, I look forward to teaching either at Whitfield County Schools or Dalton City Schools. Though I live in Ellijay, my heart for these students is already tremendously big. A few years after that, I look forward to finally starting a family with my husband.

你最喜欢的教授是谁,为什么? 我在DSC遇到了很多很棒的教授. 我说不出一个. Dr. Christian Griggs is the first teacher/professor to make history come alive to me, 所以我非常喜欢他. The entire staff of the School of Education has already made such a tremendous impact in my life, and I truly believe that they are my biggest advocates and cheerleaders throughout my journey here.

你在校园里参加了什么活动? One of my favorite things about the School of Education is the fact that there are so many opportunities to get involved in the schools outside of our field placement. 整个夏天, 我参与了一个名为“能量午餐”的项目, and having the opportunity to help prevent summer learning loss in low-income neighborhoods is incredible to me. 在学年期间, I help with a program called Learning Academies where we help parents to understand how to help their children at home in different areas of school. Most of my life is revolved around the School of Education, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

What are some of your biggest achievements or accomplishments at 道尔顿状态? 首先, being nominated for the 走鹃聚光灯 is a tremendous honor to me, so I would have to say that this is a huge achievement. For the first time in my college career, I made the Dean's List in the summer of 2017. I was also provided with the opportunity to represent the School of Education at a recruitment fair at West Georgia earlier this month.

What is your best memory so far as part of the 走鹃国家? My best memory so far is making such great friendships that I know will last and help me not only in school, 但在我的职业生涯中. 只是举几个例子(有很多)!), Hailey盖斯, 安德里亚·哈特, 罗素维克, 恩典菲利普斯, 兰登布鲁克斯, 卡洛琳Baggett, 贝嘉温克勒, Leah Jones and Cody Smith—I am so beyond blessed and thankful that you are or have played a part in my educational career here at DSC. 我知道你们都将成为杰出的老师, 如果我能有一点点像你, 我知道我也会做得很好.

你最近读的一本书是什么? 约翰·格林的《澳门新葡京娱乐城网址》

如果你要一首主题曲,那会是什么? 安迪·米尼奥的《澳门新葡京娱乐城网址》

你的罪恶快感是什么? 一遍又一遍地看《澳门新葡京娱乐城网址》.

你最引以为豪的是什么? Marrying a man who works incredibly hard in order to help provide for us while also having a huge heart for helping others.

如果你中了彩票,你会做什么? Get all of our debt paid off and help my husband find a job that he is passionate about.

什么使你高兴?? 抱着我的三只狗:Buddy, Nacho和Dempsey.

谁是你的英雄? 我的爪子. I miss him everyday, but he was my best friend and my biggest encourager. 他和我的奶奶是我如此努力工作的原因.

谁会在电影版的你生活中扮演你? 桑德拉·布洛克, for two reasons: I've always been told I somewhat favor her, 她和我一样时髦.

你最喜欢的应用是什么? 迪士尼表情符号闪电战

你最喜欢去哪里吃饭? 快餐:塔可钟. 请坐:橄榄花园.

作为一名跑者,什么叫大胆地跑? To Run Boldly is to do everything with a sense of pride and compassion. To Run Boldly is to set a goal and to put every effort into reaching that goal. My desire to become a teacher and work in the lives of young children has motivated me to Run Boldly by putting myself in every opportunity that someone presents to me.